Auto DM on Twitter with links - are they actually working and bringing social traffic to your website?
Are Twitter users actualy read direct messages, are they reading DMs sent with the links, are they actually clicking on these links, are they reading DMs sent automatically? These are very controversional questions and as many people you will ask you will get variaty of different answers.
Some survey “gurus” created their own surveys asking their followers if they get automatic DM will they like it or not, and as expected majority answered they don’t like auto DMs. Well, if you plan to let know each and every of your followers you sending them auto DMs to, well nothing I can say about it. But hey, if you use proper tools to send replies to your new followers on Twitter, they have no idea how that DM was actually sent.
So, the remaining questions are: are people reading DMs on Twitter, how many of them are actually clicking on the links?
We tested and looked on Google Analytics, how much social traffic our website received, and found about 6% of overall traffic.
Is it a lot or not, you should decide. But as I see it is more how many people visited our website by clicking on the link sent to them via direct message on Twitter.
For the period of 30 days we sent around 1000 auto DMs to the new followers and received 359 visitors from Twitter for the same period. Given these stats we can say that auto DM brought 35% of new followers on Twitter to our website. 35% conversion rate is just beyond of any expectations. Twitter Auto DM CTR is 35%. If you compare to AdSense which considered 2% is an average CTR, what we achieved here is simply unbelievable!
Another example is our brand new website for cooking recipes.
As you can see for this new website the social traffic from Twitter+Pinterest+Facebook is one of the biggest sources and represents 37% of overal traffic. For any new website getting traffic is the biggest challenge and thanks to Twitter Auto Reply it was pretty easy. But hold on, what was the click through rate for the cooking tale website on Twitter? The @thecookingtale at the moment we wrote this article had 700 followers and here is the distribution of the traffic from social networks:
50% of social traffic was from Twitter - 145 visitors, following Pinterest with 40% represented with 115 visitors, and last one from Facebook 10% or 29 visitors. Thanks to Twitter Auto Responder out of 700 auto DMs to a new followers, 154 followers actualy visited the website, which is 21% CTR. Very high number. Please note the DM had in fact 2 links, one to the Website and second to Pinterest, so the CTR split between these two links. If we had only one link, the number of website visitors was definetely higher.
As I write this article and found these numbers, I love the automatic direct messages even more
Now will everyone should expect such conversion rates from social media? I guess not, it depends who your followers are. If they real and from your niche, you should expect high Twitter DM CTRs, if they just random, or Follow for Follow, or bots then you should expect CTR close to nothing.
If you are serious about getting more traffic from Twitter to your website, you should:
Make sure you include link to your website in the DM
Don't try to sell in your DM, don't look spammy
Just imagine if you need to bring targeted visitors to your website and you are using the most popular advertising platform - Google AdSense. It depends on your niche, but lets assume the average price you will pay for each click is $0.75 (it is realisting number, I used AdSense alot). To bring 145 visitors from AdSense will cost you $109. Using Twitter Auto DM you will spend only $3.50 a month (this is period took us to bring 145 visitors from Twitter).
Google AdSense
Twitter Auto DM
Now consider you will be more aggressive on Twitter to bring more followers, it still will cost you the same $3.50 , while using advertising based PPC (pay per click) as AdSense is, your cost will skyrocket .
The bottom line the Twitter Auto DM is very good source of real targeted traffic, best solution for a new websites, cost effective and 100% working.